The Eye of Daniel
I AM more than meets The Eye
My work as a filmmaker, photographer, video editor, music producer, sound designer and artist relies on the use of my sight. Yet, I have the use of my left eye. Only my left eye.
The retina of my right eye permanently detached when I was 32. Years after that, I was dancing joyfully at home to Eminem, and I spun, and I stopped, and I saw a swirl in my field of view. That’s when I knew something was not right with the eye that could still see.
I am grateful for the saving grace of the surgeon’s scalpel, as I came dangerously close to losing the eyesight in my left eye as well.
Losing my right eye, enhanced the utility of my left eye — Almost losing my left eye, greatly grew my gratitude.
I find this to be the case with a lot in life—when we focus, take it a step at a time, hold on to love and compassion — we make the greatest strides toward freedom.
”The Eye Has It”— is a phrase I celebrate. While this website focuses on the Eye, it celebrates the We.
May I be an Inspiration to others as I have been Inspired by the good works of others.